Welcome to Simssar’s Terms and Conditions, where we want to make sure you have a clear and positive experience using our services.

Simssar is a communication platform designed to facilitate exchanging currencies between individuals. We want to emphasize that we do not operate as a financial institution and do not facilitate any cash transactions through our organization. All transactions are cash and peer to peer transactions.

The company promises to diligently provide its services in accordance with industry standards. However, it cannot be held responsible for any issues that may arise between traders during any face to face transaction, including but not limited to quality, security, location, payment, or scheduling. As an intermediary, the company is obligated to make its best efforts to facilitate a smooth traceable and secure experience for all parties involved, but it does not guarantee any specific outcome. Customers explicitly acknowledge and agree to this limitation of liability.

We strive to ensure accuracy and safety of our systems and users, but cannot guarantee it. However, we are committed to providing assistance to victims of fraud or other illegal activity, and encourage users to report any suspicious behavior to us (using: [email protected]).

We want to be clear that Simssar is not affiliated with any payment or banking institution, it is a platform to find the latest rates and to exchange cash between users based on rates they would negotiate between themselves. We do not endorse or support any particular platform or service. We also want to make it clear that any content created by our users, such as sales offers or comments, is not the responsibility of Simssar. However, we reserve the right to remove any content that violates our policies or community standards without notice.

Please note that Simssar reserves the right to modify or suspend any part of our website or services temporarily or permanently, with or without notice. While we strive to provide the best possible experience for our users, we cannot be held responsible for any consequences that may arise from inaccurate information or other issues that may occur on our website.

Thank you for taking the time to review Simssar’s Terms and Conditions. We hope you have a positive experience using our platform, and we welcome any feedback you may have.